Postdoc in Brisbane
/Gunn-Helen Moen is currently on her second year of her mobility post doctorial research fellowship “Why does low birthweight increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and other cardiometabolic diseases?” funded by the Norwegian research council.
The first two years of this project is being undertaken in Brisbane, Australia with the Evans group at University of Queensland. The first year in Brisbane has yielded two papers currently under review.
The first one focusing on the causal effect of maternal B12 and folate levels on offspring birthweight and the second focusing on maternal intrauterine environmental influences that lower offspring birthweight and the causal effect on offspring cardiometabolic health in later life. The latter study has been conducted in HUNT using over 45000 genotyped parent offspring pairs.
Read the pre-prints:
Investigating the causal effect of maternal vitamin B12 and folate levels on offspring birthweight
Although the current situation has changed the working days here in Brisbane, the Evans group catch up regularly using Zoom. From the home office, Moen is working on her next project in HUNT – the maternal, paternal and offspring genetics of offspring birthweight.