Prediction of gestational diabetes from four Norwegian studies (PreGeDiab4N)

National data about the prevalence of gestational diabetes (GDM) by different criteria, the effect on outcomes and how to best identify these women are needed. 

1)      develop prediction models to improve screening strategies for GDM, balancing benefits and harms for women and health care
2)      develop new sub-projects with other outcomes

Our national Consortium with individual participant data from four Norwegian pregnancy cohorts collected 2002-2013 holds information from 3300 women followed 2-3 times during pregnancy and offered OGTT one or more times.

News from 2022:
The second paper in Rai’s PhD, examining the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes in women who were identified with GDM by different criteria, has been in review (accepted 2023). The third paper, exploring alternative screening procedures for GDM is in progress and is nearly ready for submission.

A master project assessing seasonal variation in GDM-prevalence has been finalized and a research paper presenting the same results has been finalized (published 2023).

Primary Investigator: Line Sletner (Ahus/UiO)

UiA/Sørlandet sykehus: Linda Reme Sagedal (MD, PhD), Anam Shakil Rai (PhD-student)
UiO: Anja Lyche Brænd (MD, Ass. Prof), Anne Karen Jenum (Prof. Emerit.)
OUS: Elisabeth Qvigstad (MD, Ass. Prof), Marie-Cecilie Paasche-Roland (MD, PhD)

External collaborators: 
NTNU: Signe Stafne (PhD), Are Pripp (PhD, Stat.), Siv Mørkved (Prof)
Høyskolen på Vestlandet: Marjolein M. Iversen (Prof), Ragnhild B. Strandberg (Ass. Prof))
Australia (Brisbane): David McIntyre (Prof)