Research focus

One of the research aims of our group is to increase the understanding of mechanisms leading to and metabolic consequences of increased blood glucose by studies of small molecule metabolite profiles (metabolomics). Projects at the Hormone Laboratory study the mechanisms leading to β- cell dysfunction and aim to identify adequate biomarkers to assess changes in β-cell health and function. In addition we focus on the use, quality control, and interpretation of measures of glycemic control.


  • Prediction of early metabolite biomarkers in serum of autoimmune diabetes.

  • Effects of vitamin D on pancreatic β-cell mass function.

  • Studies of metabolic profiles in gestational diabetes.

  • Posttranslational modification of proteins and late complications of diabetes.

Group members

Jens Petter Berg, MD, PhD, Professor

Per M. Thorsby, MD, PhD, medical head of Hormone Laboratory

Milaim Pepaj, PhD

Mette E. Bornstedt, MD

May K Bredahl, PhD

Nina Gjerlaugsen, MSc

Kari Julien, BSc

Vigdis Enge, BSc